Foundation for
IT Education
Our Scholarships
APPLY NOW! -- Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year will be accepted between January - May 2025. Please return any time during that period if you are interested in applying for this prestigious scholarship.
We are the Foundation for Information Technology Education
Welcome! The Foundation for Information Technology Education exists to promote information technology research and education and to support individuals entering and considering the information technology profession..
Learn more about the DPMA Legacy Society
Scholarship applications are accepted during the January - May period of each year for the John W. Council Scholarship, the Betty Stevens Frecknall Scholarship, the Kevin Jetton Service Scholarship, and the William R. Reaugh Scholarship. Please see our Scholarships page for more information about these prestigious national scholarships for information technology students!
You can use the links at the top of the page to find out more about the Foundation. If you need further information, send us a brief note using the "Contact" link.